Label | Value |
Input Number | |
Phone Number | |
National Format | |
Country Code | |
Caller Name | UNKNOWN CALLER |
Caller Type | |
Carrier Name | |
Phone Type | |
Apple iMessage Status | Not Registered |
Raw Number | 2512061277 |
Basic Format | 251-206-1277 |
NPA (Area Code) | 251 |
NXX | 206 |
Telco Carrier | BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC, LLC - AL |
Rate Center | MOBILE |
Location | MOBILE, AL |
SMS/MMS Email Gateways | SMS/MMS gateways may be invalid (i.e. the number has been ported or purchased by another carrier) |
OCN (Carrier Number) | 072F |
Call Type | Unknown Type |
Number Assignment | Assigned |
Search |
state | AL |
ocn | 4615 |
company | DELTACOM, INC. - AL |
rate_center | MOBILE |
Location | MOBILE, AL |
use_type | AS |
assign_date | 02/21/2012 |
initial_growth | G |
pooled_code | Y |
in_service | Yes |
region | SE |
state | AL |
status | AS |
contaminated | N |
rate_center | MOBILE |
Location | MOBILE, AL |
block_effective_date | 08/17/2012 |
assigned_to | BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC, LLC - AL |
ocn | 072F |
date_assigned | 07/18/2012 |
region | SE |
state | AL |
status | AS |
contaminated | N |
rate_center | MOBILE |
Location | MOBILE, AL |
block_effective_date | 10/07/2012 |
assigned_to | METROPCS, INC. |
ocn | 5562 |
date_assigned | 09/10/2012 |